About Me

Full Stack Web Developer

HTML5, accessible web, CSS3, Bootstrap, Materialize JS & CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express, React, React Material UI library, Mongoose, GraphQL, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, WordPress, Git, & Heroku

I'm a thirty-something new dad from Kansas City, now living in Seattle and following my passion as a full stack web developer. I have independent, freelance, and team development experience creating full stack web apps, mobile-responsive websites, and content management systems for clients big and small. I want to work with your farmer's market stand, small business, university department, or development firm to create a meaningful product that meets your customers' needs, as well as your own. Contact me today to discuss your next website!


Total Quest Total Quest preview integration_instructions

A web app in which users complete scavenger hunts by solving clues. A QR code is placed at each location, so when the user finds it they scan the code. It directs them to the app to celebrate their victory with confetti and rewards! Users can also become organizers to create their own scavenger hunts and locations from the web app.

Developed with the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, & Node) stack using the Material UI library and GraphQL. We used JWT for authentication and deployed the project to a branded domain with TLS.

Pressed Words Pressed Words preview integration_instructions

A blog app with an MVC content management system using Express as the back end, Handlebars as the front end, and MySQL as the database. It utilizes asynchronous JavaScript functions and performs CRUD functions (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) on users, posts, and comments. The app uses the MySQL2, Express, Express-Handlebars, Express-Session, dotenv, and Sequelize Node.js packages.

TuneSpace TuneSpace preview integration_instructions

A mobile-responsive, API-driven, jQuery and Materialize website that provides biographies, discographies, and lyrics for musicians of all genres. By pulling data from various databases we created a centralized hub where users can explore their favorite artists and discover new music.

UW Virology Research Clinic preview integration_instructions

A full stack content management system and public-facing website for an infectious disease research clinic in Seattle, Wa, using the LAMP stack and custom PHP, the CakePHP MVC framework, CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL.

Seattle VTEU preview integration_instructions

A Wordpress website for a COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial center in Seattle, Wa.

Go, Team, Go! ondemand_video integration_instructions

A Node.js command-line application that takes in information about employees on a software engineering team, then generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person.

Demostration of command line interaction, Materialize CSS, and testing using the Jest Node.JS package.

Weather Dashboard preview integration_instructions

An API-driven jQuery and Bootstrap webapp to check the weather. The user's searches are saved and can be recalled at the click of a button.

Contact Me

My Resumé

Resumé available for download here.