A scavenger hunts web app. A QR code is placed at each location, so when the user finds
it they scan the code. It directs
them to the app to celebrate their victory with confetti and rewards! Users can also
become organizers to create their own scavenger hunts and locations from the web
Developed with the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, & Node) stack using the Material
UI library and GraphQL. We used JWT for authentication and deployed the project to a
branded domain with TLS.
About Me
Health Research Software Developer
HIPAA-compliance, Good Clinical Practice, and REDCap (project design, longitudinal studies, branching logic, action tags, calculated fields, Data Entry Trigger, API, & text message service integration)I'm a thirty-something new dad from Kansas City, living in Seattle and following my passion as a software developer. I currently work for a public health research lab at the University of Washington. I have extensive experience working with HIPAA-protected information. I build REDCap projects that utilize its advanced features. I push REDCap's boundaries while balancing study participants' user experience with the needs of research staff, lab scientists, data analysts, and funders. I set up ETL pipelines, automate study processes, and create self-serve websites for study staff to print barcodes, perform QC, produce datasets, and present reports.
Full Stack Web Development
HTML5, accessible & semantic web, CSS3, Bootstrap, Materialize JS & CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express, React, React Styled Components, Mongoose, GraphQL, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, WordPress, Progressive Web Apps, Single Page Apps, Git, GitHub, Heroku, & PantheonI'm also trained as a full stack web developer with independent, freelance, and team development experience. I've created single-page apps, mobile-responsive web apps, WordPress sites, Drupal sites, full-stack MERN webapps — with and without GraphQL — and full-stack LAMP stack content management systems. I've integrated these technologies into my health research websites to give them a modern look and feel.
A demonstration of an Express.js & Mongoose API back end for a social network deployed at snapi.markdrummond.me.
Users can create thoughts and other users can post reactions to the thoughts. Users can add other users as friends.
The app is strictly an API, so users must interact with it via an API client. See the repo's README for information on how to use the API. The app uses the Mongoose, Express, and Luxon Node.js packages.
A blog app with an MVC content management system using Express as the back end, Handlebars as the front end, and MySQL as the database. It utilizes asynchronous JavaScript functions and performs CRUD functions on users, posts, and comments. The app uses the MySQL2, Express, Express-Handlebars, Express-Session, dotenv, and Sequelize Node.js packages.
A full stack content management system and public-facing website for an infectious disease research clinic in Seattle, WA, using the LAMP stack with custom PHP, the CakePHP MVC framework, CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL.
A WordPress website for a restaurant reviewer. I used the Kubio plugin to align the website's design to the client's vision. I set up SEO plugins to provide usage analytics.
A Node.js command-line application that takes in information about employees on a software engineering team, then generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person.
Demostration of command line interaction, Materialize CSS, and testing using the Jest Node.JS package.
An API-driven jQuery and Bootstrap webapp to check the weather. The user's searches are saved in the browser cache and can be recalled at the click of a button.
A demonstration of a Progressive Web App (PWA). I did not program the JATE app; rather, as part of my coursework, I converted the app to a PWA. The app is a note-taking app that saves notes to the browser's local storage.
A back end API for an e-commerce site written in Express.js and Node.js. It utilizes asyncronous JavaScript functions and a MySQL database to perform CRUD operations on each asset type: Products, Categories, and Tags. Users can create new assets and associate them with each other. The database login information is protected by using environmental variables.
The app is strictly an API, so users must interact with it via an API client. See the repo's README for information on how to use the API. The app uses the MySQL2, Express, dotenv, and Sequelize Node.js packages.
Excel VBA macros for creating formatted Excel workbooks from WellSky Resource Management reports. The reports exported from the software are in a format that is not user-friendly. These macros combine multiple reports and format them into a single, more readable workbook.
My Resumé
Resumé available for download here.
References available upon request.